This research investigated the effects of GeoGebra and Web - Based Practice on attitude and performance in Coordinate Geometry among Students of Colleges of Education in North West Zone, Nigeria. A pretest -posttest, quasi experimental design was used to carry out the study. A sample of 210 students out of 1465 NCE1 Mathematics students from three out of twelve colleges of education in the zone was randomly selected. In this study, six research objectives were stated; six research questions were asked and six hypotheses were formulated and tested at 0.05 level of significance. Two research instruments were used in the work, namely: Coordinate Geometry Performance Test (CGPT) and Coordinate Geometry Attitude Test (CGAT). The two instruments were validated by experts from the rank of Senior Lecturers and above. The reliability coefficients of CGPT and CGAT were calculated to be 0.79 and 0.80 respectively. In addition to these, lesson plans were written by the researcher and were used in teaching the experimental and control groups. Mean, mean rank, standard deviations were used to describe the data; while t-test, ANOVA, Mann Whitney U- test, Krukal Wallis - H test were used in testing the hypotheses. Some of the findings of the study were: there is significant difference in academic performance between NCE 1 Mathematics students taught Coordinate Geometry using GeoGebra and those taught using lecture method in favour of the former. More so, significant change in attitude towards Coordinate Geometry was found among the students taught using GeoGebra. However no significant difference in academic performance was found between NCE 1 students taught using Web - Based Practice and those taught using lecture method. Similarly no significant change in attitude was found between Web- based Practice Students and those taught using lecture method. Likewise, no significant difference in gender performance in, and attitudinal change towards Coordinate Geometry was recorded among all the three instructional methods. Based on these findings, it was recommended among others that lecturers in colleges of education should use GeoGebra in teaching Coordinate Geometry and other courses.
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